Because Only Together We Can

dignify lives for the glory of god!

What We Do

— We Provide

Hope for those in need

— We Supply

With the spiritual and physical bread

— We Dignify

By giving back to people God’s divine rights

Impact Stories

God continues to greatly bless the Friends of Christ Foundation and all the brothers that make this happen. Thanks to them there are many low-income families that benefit, both children and the elderly who in these moments of crisis that Venezuela is going through, each help is a great blessing to all.
Elizabeth Olivar
Yesterday we distributed 210 meals where the elderly and many children participated. Among these people, there are disabled people, people with cancer, alcoholics … people with many needs, but we understand that God, despite the crisis we’re living in Venezuela, cares for everyone. We pray for Carlos and Greymar that God keeps opens doors so that we continue blessing many more people in our community.
Orlando Leal